Request for Patronage

Imani Sterling


From time to time, The Consul General endorses the objectives of select organisations by formally granting them patronage, thereby providing them with the name and prestige of the Consulate General of Jamaica, Miami, and representation on behalf of the Government of Jamaica. However, patronage is an expression of support for the general aims of the organisation, and is not evidence of endorsement for specific initiatives.
The following are guidelines when considering requesting the patronage of the Consul General for an event.

A. Criteria
Organisations which seek patronage should:
1. Be appropriately constituted with organisational rules and objectives.
2. Be financially responsible.
3. Have aims that are in harmony with institutional or personal themes and interests of the Consul General in promoting the national development of Jamaica or the strengthening of the Jamaican Diaspora movement
4. Have active, annually-implemented programmes.
5. Not, in general, be a commercial / for-profit enterprise.
In exceptional circumstances, patronage will be considered for events promoted by commercial / for-profit organisations. Such events, however, must be deemed to be of high cultural value and should normally include social programmes ultimately for the benefit of Jamaica, the Jamaican / Caribbean Diaspora and wider community.

B. Guidelines for Submitting Requests
Organizations that wish for the patronage of the Consul General should:
1. Submit a letter on the organisation’s letterhead (this may be scanned and sent via e-mail followed by hard copy via post) formally requesting patronage, including why this would be mutually beneficial.
2. Provide supporting documentation, including:
(a) a certified copy of valid 501(c)3 certification.
(b) a brief history of the organisation and its objectives.
(c) details of organisation’s source(s) of funding.
(d) a list of organisation’s Board of Directors.
(e) organisation’s latest financial report.
(f) any other relevant information.

C. Acceptance of Patronage
When written acceptance has been given for patronage, the following should be observed:
1. Draft copies of programme, as well as promotional material, invitations and similar material intended for printing and/or broadcast dissemination should be e-mailed to the Office of the Consul General for perusal before publication.
2. Once both agreement is given for the contents which are to be published, there shall be no changes, unless agreed by the Office of the Consul General. Any changes made and published without prior agreement thereon will result in withdrawal of the Patronage.

D. Functions Attended by The Consul General
1. Confirmation of Patronage for specific events does not mean that the Consul General will be present at the function. If the Consul General’s presence is desired, a separate letter of invitation should be sent to the Office, if possible, at least three (3) months before the proposed date of the event. It is not acceptable to send only a printed invitation (e.g., flyer). The letter of invitation should state the following:
a. Details such as
(i) the exact location of venue.
(ii) contingencies that have been put in place for alternate venue – should event be affected by weather or other factor (s).
(iii) time of the event.
(iv) state definitively the role that the Consul General is expected to play at the function (e.g. presenting an award, addressing the audience, etc)
(v) dress code
b. Information should also be provided on
(i) the name and title of the person chairing the function.
(ii) the names of persons who will be seated at the head table (if applicable).
(iii) the number of persons invited to attend the event.
(iv) the dignitaries who have been invited to the event.
(v) duration of the function
(vi) proposed Media coverage

2. Organisers of speaking engagements should also ensure that
(i) a member of the organisation is assigned to greet and seat the Consul General and guests at the function
(ii) provide the Consul General’s assistant with the name and direct telephone number of a liaison who can be contacted in case of emergency
(iii) familiarise themselves with the protocol involved in functions at which the Consul General is present.

E. Duration of Patronage
Patronage should not be assumed to continue indefinitely from one Consul General to his / her successor. Each time a Consul General changes, organisations should re-apply for patronage.

Consulate General of Jamaica, Miami, Florida | Revised January 2014